One Connacht: The Connacht Rugby Vision & Strategy was launched in October 2024, and sets out both our long-term strategic direction, and nearer-term strategic plan, built from the "Present Forward" and the "Future Back".
Purpose is defined as "the reason for which something is done or created, or for which something exists".
In revisiting the purpose of Connacht Rugby, we set out to better understand our "why", and the feedback was clear.
Our why, centres around an unwavering commitment to our community. A commitment channelled through the game of rugby.
It is this shared sense of purpose that unites Connacht Rugby and Rugby in Connacht, and the communities we serve together.
Our shared purpose is To Unite, Inspire And Represent Our Community.
The great power of sport is in its almost unique capacity to bring people and communities together. People with shared interests, ambitions and dreams.
Ours is a vision of a diverse, inclusive, and united Connacht.
A Connacht that welcomes and embraces difference. United through our rugby community and rooted in our wider community.
A Connacht that brings people on a journey, to fulfil their potential and relentessly pursue their dreams, whatever they might be.
A vision of Connacht built on pillars of Strong Roots, with Potential Fulfilled and Ambitions Realised.
A vision we call One Connacht: From Grassroots To Green Shirts.
Connacht Rugby is underpinned by a clear set of values that we call: "The Connacht Way".
Our values reflect not only who we are but also who we represent.
Values that will guide us in our actions for tomorrow and our decisions for tomorrow.
Our Values are:
Ambition:"A relentless pursuit of better" for ourselves and our community.
Belief: A belief in what we are capable of, both individually and collectively. A history defined by resilience.
Community: A commitment to the collective and a strong sense of identity and community.